Thank you for being a SERVANT LEADER in this THANKSGIVING season at His Life. Testimonies are an indispensable part of any giving emphasis. In many ways, God is able to use testimonies more effectively than sermons in challenging people to think seriously about their own giving. We will see more participation from all our people if leaders and others in our church are willing to share their personal testimonies about how God has led them to GIVE.

Consider just a few examples:

  • 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 - Paul used the Macedonian believers as a model for giving, and challenged the Corinthian believers to match their level of sacrifice.
  • 1 Chronicles 29:1-9,14,17 - David gave a public testimony of what he intended to give for the building of the Temple, and then he challenged others to give.
  • Mark 12:41-44 - Jesus used the widow who gave all she had as a testimony to inspire others to give by faith.

Sharing your testimony is not “showing off.”
It is an act of mature spiritual leadership, if shared in a spirit of humility.


  1. Express your love for the Lord.  Share how grateful you are for all that He’s done for you. Mention some specific blessings.
  2. Express your love for your church family.  Emphasize that we really are a church family.     Give an example of how HIS LIFE MINISTRIES and fellowship has helped you and your family.
  3. Express your excitement for our future plans and DREAMS for our growing church family. Emphasize the privilege we have to lay the foundation for a ministry that reaches thousands of people, ministers to practical needs, and helps them grow spiritually.
  4. Share the process you (or your family) used to decide what would be your part in giving.         This is far more important than the amount you are giving. People need to know your thoughts, and it’s OK to mention any fears or doubts that you’ve had to struggle with regarding your ability to give sacrificially. You might share any specific ways you’ve considered to decrease your expenses or increase your income in order to give to i-Excel THANKSGIVING 2016.  They need to see that your decision was a genuine step of faith, not a snap decision.
  5. It is not necessary to share the specific amount you’re giving if you feel uncomfortable doing that. Simply say something like “My wife and I are making the most sacrificial gift possible for us and we’re excited about this opportunity to grow in faith.” Remind the people that the spirit is “Equal Sacrifice, Not Equal Gifts.” Share a promise you are claiming from God.
  6. Encourage everyone to give serious consideration as to what God would have them give.  Express confidence that we will reach our goals if each of us will let the Lord lead us in our giving. The only way some in our congregation will learn the meaning of sacrifice will be to hear specific examples from those who are willing to share a positive testimony.  Your testimony will have tremendous influence on others and will make a difference for eternity.  Ask God to give you just the right words. We’re all praying for you!

TESTIMONIALS from the ORGANIZING Group Leaders are highly encouraged AND expected.
[NETWORK, SITE Leaders, 5w's PLUS volunteers]

The only spiritual habit that makes Christians more nervous than witnessing - is giving.
Money still dominates the lives of many believers.
It is the most difficult area of obedience even for some who’ve been believers for years. Finances are often the last area to come under Christ’s Lordship.
As a result, some feel threatened, guilty, resentful, or uneasy when ever others talk about their giving.
At HIS LIFE, we use giving testimonies to challenge others for one reason - it’s biblical!

Jesus did it... Paul did it... and David, a man after God’s own heart, did it.

Every educator knows that people learn best by models.
(1 Cor 11:1, Phil 3:17, 2 Thess 3:7, 1 Tim 1:6,
1 Tim 4:12, 1 Peter 2:21, 1 Thess 1:7, 2 Thess 3:9).

That’s why a testimony about giving is a thousand times more effective than a sermon about it.
The Bible is clear that one of the responsibilities of leadership is to lead by example.  Giving testimonies are not “showing off”, but rather an act of spiritual leadership, if shared in a spirit of humility.

Hebrews 13:7 says "Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith."

Paul said in 1 Cor 11:1 "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ."

>> In MARK 12:42-44  Jesus publicly announced the specific amount that a woman had given as an offering and then used her sacrificial gift to challenge others. He compared it to what others were giving. This made the Pharisees furious, but obviously it was the right thing to do because Jesus did it.  It is also interesting to realize that Jesus knew the amount she gave. He stood by the offering basket and watched what the people were putting in.

>> In 2 CORINTHIANS 8:1-7  Paul used one group of believers’ giving (the Macedonians) as an example and model for another group (the Corinthians).  In this passage he shares the giving testimony of the Macedonians “...out of their poverty... in rich generosity...they gave more than they could afford...”(verse 2-3) then he compared it to the Corinthians’ giving and challenged them to give sacrificially too:  “Now see that you also excel in the grace of giving” (vs.7)  In verse 8, Paul unashamedly admits his motive for doing this: “I want to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it with the earnestness of others."

>> In 1 CHRONICLES 29:1-5   David, as instructed by God, publicly announced the exact amount he was sacrificially giving to build the Temple. Then he publicly challenged everyone else to give sacrificially. "In my devotion to the temple of my God I now give my personal treasures for the temple of my God… 220,000 pounds of gold and 520,000 pounds of silver. Now who else is willing to give a generous offering to the Lord?”
David was not worried about “showing off” or “losing his reward.” Instead God called him “a man after my own heart”.  Leaders lead the way, in spite of criticism. As a result, the people were moved to give sacrificially also, and $400,000,000 was raised in a single day for the building of the temple.(See 1 Chron. 29:1-22)
borrowed from Time to Build Materials of Saddleback Church

Many have asked “How do I decide what God wants me to give?”
6 Questions To Ask Myself:

  1. Will I give based on REASON or by REVELATION? Is my gift just what I think I can afford or is it what God wants to give through me?
  2. Does this amount really stretch my faith?  "God is able to make it up to you by giving you everything you need and more so that there will not only be enough for your own needs but plenty left over to give joyfully to others."  2 Corinthians 9:8 (LB)
  3. Does it show I value my hope of eternal reward more than material things on earth?  “Use your money to do good... always being ready...By doing this you will be storing up real treasure for yourself in heaven--it is the only safe investment for eternity! And you’ll live a fruitful Christian life down here as well."   1 Timothy 6:19 (LB)
  4. Will this amount demonstrate how much I love Jesus and His church family?  "...be a leader in the spirit of cheerful giving.... This is one way to prove that your love is real, that it goes beyond mere words."  2 Corinthians 8:8 (LB)


"How Am I Preparing for December 4, 2016"
Being more prudent and conscious of how to spend my money within these 21 Days has been part of my thinking process.  Part of which is eating outside RESTOS by not ordering the more expensive food on the list -- for me to be able to GIVE MORE on December 4, 2016.
I am excited when that Day would come, because there are GROUPS and MINISTRIES and CHURCHES close to my heart as of this time.
For example, I have to allot something to BRING TO THE BASKET of our BELOVED SCHOOL HLA Philippines.  It might not be much, but I am sure to share a portion of what I am collecting and saving right now.
ANOTHER joy in my heart as I approach the BASKET this DECEMBER 4 is our new church launch -- HIS LIFE CITY MALL Mandalagan.  Part of this Thanksgiving Season is the START UP of this NEW CHURCH under the auspices of the NORTH HLM GROUP.
What I am doing right now is that I AM using my influence and friendships connection by contacting people who are ABROAD and within my circle of friends and relatives to consider sharing their 1st Fruits GIFTS towards HLM CITYMALL opening.
As of the moment I received already a CASH GIFT of P 50,000.00 pesos from a relative.
I am also happy to announce that more than 1000 US DOLLARS have been pledged already due to this effort of CONNECTING and giving them the opportunity to GIVE BACK to the LORD this THANKSGIVING.  Another gave P 5000pesos as a promise.  While another NATIONAL ATHLETE and Family will be sending their gifts too from MANILA.
Another thing I am doing as part of this GIVING TESTIMONY, is praying and helping my wife Trixie become successful in her making of "MORCONS" (home food) by the dozens ... and most of the PROCEEDS of these will have to be hers and mine THANKSGIVING GIFTS to the LORD!
Coaching Trina my daughter and son JOSHUA to give the BEST, BIGGEST and the most BEAUTIFUL cash gifts savings is also part of my routine in discipling them to love God with all their hearts, soul, mind and strength!
All Glory to God, for He has given me strength and joy in participating in this "i-Excel THANKSGIVING 2016".  May I give even all the more to the work of the LORD JESUS CHRIST!
I pray that I can even give more and more until the END of 2016 via FAITH and VOWS giving!
Meet you at the OFFERING BASKET this DECEMBER 4, 2016.
-- pastor jr here :-)

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