Friday, October 21, 2016

i-EXCEL Begins Here!!!

DEAR TRAINORS of "i-EXCEL" TEAMS found in all our Sites, Corners and Ministries,

Before anything else, we must be sure that our FOUNDATION is PRAYER in the will and in the purposes of God.
I am including this INSTRUCTIONAL READING MATERIAL BELOW for all of us to know, understand and be soaked in this idea.

How to Build Our Team?

The Starting Point is Prayer!!!

In these days where so many leaders are used to trafficking in action plans and strategic goal-setting, it would be easy to quickly move to a list of steps and a prescribed approach for recruiting effective Campaign Team members.
But rather than starting with a discussion of skilled recruitment or inspired vision-casting, the starting point of this i-EXCEL Campaign must be PRAYER!!!

As we begin to pray for our church and the Campaign THANKSGIVING 2016 i-EXCEL, one of the most critical elements to pray about is Our Campaign Team.

  • LET'S ask God who He wants on the TEAM. The tendency for some will be to run out, make a few phone calls and begin to fill the open slots on the Campaign Team. Yet, there may be someone in our church that we wouldn’t have thought of, but who has gifts that are just waiting to be used on our Campaign Team! There are people there who have tremendous gifts and talents who must be part of our "i-EXCEL" Campaign Team! God has been preparing them for such a time as this, and we will discover His Campaign Team as we PRAY.

i-EXCEL Prayer Coordinator LEADS

It is the Prayer Coordinator’s job to implement prayer as a focus for the Campaign Team, recruit a church-wide Prayer Team, and develop and implement a prayer strategy throughout all of our church’s ministries and age groups.

The PRAYER Leader

• Models a life of Prayer and Fasting.
• Passionate on Praying and Praising God.
• Respected as a Servant-Leader in the Community.
• Marked by the Character Quality of Perseverance.
• Can Cast Vision and Motivate People to Pray.
• Well-connected to Ministry Leaders in the Church.

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